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CleanTech Lithium (CTL), an exploration and development company advancing lithium projects in Chile, has been informed by representatives of the Australian Securities Exchange that due to procedural matters the approval process of the Company’s listing on ASX will be extended. The Company is working with its lawyers in Australia, its other advisers and ASX to address the matters expeditiously and will provide the market with a further update when greater clarity has been obtained on the revised expected timetable. The Company is working with its lawyers in Australia, its other advisers and ASX to address the matters expeditiously and will provide the market with a further update when greater clarity has been obtained on the revised expected timetable.

Comment: The Promised Land of the ASX listing continues for CTL, something which should not only deliver a fresh pool of liquidity, but also be a place where the company is appreciated rather more than in the UK.

Iofina (IOF), specialists in the exploration and production of iodine and manufacturers of specialty chemical products, announced its unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2024. Record H1 revenue of $26.0m. IOF said it has delivered a robust first half performance, with sustained demand for its products and increased production leading to a 7% increase in revenue, despite the average realised selling price of iodine being 7% lower than reported for H1 2023. The Group has continued to generate strong cash flows, with its net cash position improving to $1.1m.

Comment: Great management, especially in the form of the very impressive sounding Dr Tom Becker. It can be seen that the company is keen to develop and scale.

Zinnwald Lithium (ZNWD), the German focused lithium development company, announced its Interim Results for the period ended 30 June 2024. During the period the company explored potential to expand project in phases, starting with Phase 1 producing 16,000-18,000 tpa of battery-grade Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH), a 50% increase from the 2022 estimate of 12,000 tpa. Post period it agreed to develop a Pre-Feasibility Study to assess the potential for a Phase 2 expansion and undertake various technical trade-off studies.

Comment: Some signs that the lithium market may be steadying, have caused the ZNWD share price to stabilise. However, it is still the case that the company is on the periphery of retail investor awareness, and while this remains the case, the upside may be limited.

Eco Buildings Group (ECOB), the UK-listed modular housing company, is pleased to announce that it has received a preliminary order of 5,000 sqm of walling from R&T Sh.p.K. for installation as a permanent perimeter wall around a residential tourist site in Albania. ECOB said it believes it produces the highest specification, lowest cost product in the market. Moreover, with the fully automated factory in full production, it can provide new customers visiting its factory with both a compelling product to examine and assurance over the security of supply, which is in turn expected to lead to further orders.

Comment: The recent share price performance suggests that unless ECOB gets an order for the great “walling” of China, this is not a business concept that has inspired.

Equipmake (AQSE:EQIP), a market leader in engineering-driven differentiated electrification technologies, announced that it has entered into a purchase order with Genco Energy Holdings Pty Ltd, the alliance company with Kiwi Bus Builders Ltd, New Zealand’s leading coach builder. EQIP said it was excited to collaborate with Genco and Kiwi Bus Builders on this pioneering project. This initial order for its Zero Emission Drivetrains highlights the critical role Equipmake can play in driving the shift towards cleaner, more sustainable mass transit solutions worldwide. It looks forward to supporting Genco’s targets for the future, as they lead the way in delivering zero-emission transportation across New Zealand, Australia, and beyond.

Comment: It has taken some effort to go from being one of Aquis’s  few shining stars with a market cap of £100m plus last summer, to the shares at 3p and a £25m. But EQIP has managed it. It is always frustrating to see companies running with the ball and then letting it slip through their fingers.

Catenai (CTAI), the AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology, announces its half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 June 2024. Loss of £12,780 in the period under review (2023: £195,689) with revenues of £124,500 (2023: £8,622) as a result of fees from the Klarian Limited CLN recognised in full. Net asset/(liability) position £566,764 (2023: £(367,529). Cash position of £4,759 as at 30 June 2024 and approximately £31,500 as at 19 September 2024.CTAI said it continues to service its customer in the sports sector. On 25 April 2024, the Company announced that it had identified an opportunity to invest in Klarian, by way of an unsecured convertible loan note agreement.

Comment: If CTAI is heading for the FTSE 100, it has a funny way of showing it, given all the numbers involved, especially cash at hand. At least the current management have steadied the ship, no doubt by various hair shirt initiatives.